Due to the good taste of a friend, I, again, have a new artist that is just fantastic! Her name is Anni Rossi. Which is kind of weird and her name even sent bells off in my head because my math teacher's last name is Rossi and Anni Rossi kind of resembles her... so for a while I was getting the chills from the thought of my math teacher playing viola and stomping her feat! Oh! And by the way, that is what she does! Yes, yes. I wouldn't want to group her because I do not know If she would appreciate that, but she kind of falls into the freak-folk category. She might kill me if she read this because she may consider herself just normal folk, or indie, or alternative, or even experimental... I really don't know what she considers herself, but I will say that her composition of her music sounds a lot like Joanna Newsom. Just the composition! You'd have to minus the harp, add the viola, and possibly damage her vocal chords to get the same sound that Joanna gives.
So anyway, you should really check her out. Of course, there in lies the problem with Anni. It's like she doesn't exist! With the exception of MySpace, there is not one place I could find about her and her music. I also can't find anywhere to buy her album, Scandia or download her music (I definitely suggest buying her album though, she's a struggling artist). There are also some YouTube links I found that have her performing at some gallery in the SF Bay area, I think. Wheelpusher is a great song, and I suggest that if you go to her myspace page, you listen to the recorded version. And another, this one is a cover of "Creep," by Radiohead, another really good song.
I've found sites where I can order her album, but they're all "B" grade, shady sites that I don't even want to be looking at. So, I am kind of scared to order from them... I bet she has fan-sites (although I am yet to find any) but of course, I'm just too lazy to look thoroughly, so if at all you like her and/or find a good site to buy her CD or a fan site or anything like that... please do not hesitate to comment!
Your Nomadic Wheelpusher,
~Sir December
OK! I have the CD now... and it's absolutely incredible! I seriously suggest that you buy it! It is really fantastic. All of the tracks are great, and I personally like Ecology and Glaciers. They're fantastic songs!