A newly found beauty in my life is the incomparable Kimya Dawson. I presently have two of her several albums: I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean and her latest Remember That I Love You. She is an antifolk artists living in Olympia, Washington with her husband and baby girl. Like many antifolk artists, she sings quietly and all but mellifluously, although, with her soft guitar rhythms, she produces a soothing and nurturing sound when joined.

She often sings about "the state of things" and many times how she views herself and how she thinks others see her but in an unabashed sense. The way she comes about voicing her lyrics makes her seem maternal and kind of like she's telling a children's story or a nursery rhyme. I whole heartedly suggest at least one of her albums. She can make you the saddest or the happiest person in the world. Her stories are true to life but at the same time, can give a fairy tale way about them. You should check out her site and her Myspace.
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